The American University in Cairo Center for Migration and Refugee Studies Database
Legal Instruments
Statistics and Figures

  Legal Instruments   

This section provides a list of international conventions and regional/bilateral agreements to which each country is a signatory, as well as national legislation that deals with movement, migration, asylum and human rights. Each listing includes a PDF/ link to a publically accessible document of the convention/law mentioned.
  International Conventions:

General International Law

Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 24 April 1963 (entered into force 19 March 1967) 596 U.N.T.S 261.

Ratified 1977



International Criminal Law

Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, 2 December 1949 (entered into force 25 July 1951) 96 U.N.T.S. 271.

Ratified 1973



Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 10 December 1984 (entered into force 26 June 1987) 1465 U.N.T.S. 85 [CAT]. Signed 1986, Ratified 1993 

Protocol amending the Slavery Convention, 25 September 1926 (entered into force 7 December 1953) 182 U.N.T.S. 51.

Ratified 1959


Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 15 November 2000 (entered into force 15 December 2000) 2237 U.N.T.S 319 [Palermo Protocol]

Ratified 2011



United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, 15 November 2000 (entered into force 29 September 2003) 2225 U.N.T.S 209.
Signed 2000, Ratified 2002


Slavery Convention, 25 September 1926 (entered into force 7 July 1955), 60 L.N.T.S. 253.

Signed 1959 PDF

International Human Rights Law

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 18 December 1979, 1249 U.N.T.S 513 [CEDAW].
Ratified 1993

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 7 March 1966, 660 U.N.T.S 195 [CERD].
Signed 1967, Ratified 1970

Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, 18 December 1990 (1 July 2003) 2220 U.N.T.S. 3 [Migrant Workers Convention].

Signed 1991, Ratified 1993



Convention on the Rights of the Child, 20 November 1989, 1577 U.N.T.S. 3 [CRC].

Signed 1990, Ratified 1993 


International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 16 December 1966, 999 U.N.T.S. 171 [ICCPR].

Signed 1977, Ratified 1979

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 16 December 1966 (entered into force 3 Jan 1976) 993 U.N.T.S. 3 [ICESCR].
Signed 1977, Ratified 1979

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/217 A (III), 10 December 1948, Art 14. [UDHR].




International Humanitarian Law 

Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 12 August 1949 (entered into force 21 October 1950) 75 U.N.T.S. 31 [First Geneva Convention].

Ratified 1956

Link to Conv.

Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea, 12 August 1949 (entered into force 21 October 1950) 75 U.N.T.S. 85 [Second Geneva Convention].

Ratified 1956

Link to Conv.

Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 12 August 1949 (entered into force 21 October 1950) 75 U.N.T.S. 135 [Third Geneva Convention].

Ratified 1956

Link to Conv.

Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, 12 August 1949 (entered into force 21 October 1950) 75 U.N.T.S. 287 [Fourth Geneva Convention].

Ratified 1956

Link to Conv.


Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts, 8 June 1977 (entered into force Dec. 7, 1978.) 1125 U.N.T.S. 3 [Protocol I].

Signed 1977, Ratified 2011

Link to Protocol.

Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts, 8 June 1977 (entered into force 7 December 1978) 1125 U.N.T.S. 609 [Protocol II].

Signed 1977, Ratified 2011
Link to Protocol


International Labor Law 

ILO Convention C 111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (1958).

Ratified 1963

Link to Conv.


ILO Convention C 29 Forced or Compulsory Labour Convention (1932).

Ratified 1957 Link to Conv.

ILO Convention C 181 Private Employment Agencies Convention (1958).

Ratified 1999

Link to Conv.


ILO Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration (2005).

Link to Framework


International Refugee Law 

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 28 July 1951, 189 U.N.T.S. 150. [Refugee Convention].

Ratified 1956

Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, 4 October 1967, 606 U.N.T.S. 267. [Refugee Protocol]
Ratified 1971 


International Trade Law

General Agreement on Trade in Services, 15 April 1994  (entered into force 01 January 1995), L336, p. 191 [GATS].



Protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) (Movement of Natural Persons), 16 October, 1995 (entered into force 26 July 1996), L167, P. 43 [Protocol III]



  Regional and Bilateral Agreements:

Regional Agreements 

 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, 1001 U.N.T.S. 45 (1969). PDF

 African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (The Kampala Convention) (2009)

Social Security Agreement between the States of the Arab Maghreb Union (1991)  PDF_Arabic

 Arab Labor Convention No. 16 on Labor Social Services  (1983) PDF_Arabic

 Protocol for the Treatment of Palestinians in Arab States, League of Arab State (1965)  Link to protocol_Eg

The Statute of the Organization for the Development of Women in the OIC Member States PDF


Irregular Migration & Readmission Agreements

Convention between France and Morocco on the detention and transfer of convicted persons (2007)


Labor Agreements 

Agreement between France and Morocco on the exchange of young professional (2001)


Social Security Agreements 

Administrative Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on implementing rules for articles 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the General Convention on Social Security (2014).
Link to Agreement

Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on Medical Coverage and Social Protection (2010). 
Link to Agreement

Convention on Social Security between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco (2007).
Link to Convention

Agreement of Cooperation between Morocco and France on medical coverage and social protection (2010).
Link to Agreement_French

Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Migration of Egypt and the Ministry  of Social Affairs in Morocco (1997).


Other Relevant Agreements

Cooperation Agreement on criminal matters between the EU and Morocco (2015)
Link to Agreement_ French

Additional Protocol to the Convention on cooperation between France and Morocco (2015)
Link to Agreement_French

Agreement between France and Morocco on the reciprocal exemption of visas for holders of service passports (2012)
Link to Agreement_French

Cultural cooperation agreement between Morocco and Egypt (1990).

Mobility Partnership between the EU and Morocco (2004)


  National Legislation:

Moroccan nationals

Decree No 1-07-208 of 2007 establishing the Council of the Moroccan Community  Abroad

Decree of 1949 regulating the emigration of Moroccan workers




 Decree n° 1-03-196 of 2003 adopting law n° 02-03 relating to the entry and stay of foreigners in the Kingdom of Morocco, and relating to illegal emigration and immigration

Order if the Minister of the Interior No. 498-12 of 2012 on the form and content of the application form for obtaining a residence permit

Order of the Minister of the Interior No. 499-12 of 2012 on amending the form for the residence permit application

Order of the Minister of the Interior No. 500-12 of 2012 concerning the exceptional authorization of stay

Order of the Minister of the Interior No. 501-12 of 2012 concerning the documents  attached to the residence permits application  

Order of the Minister of the Interior No. 502-12 of 2012 relating to the circulation document

Order of the Minister of the Interior No.  503-12 of 2012 on the card of registry

Order of the Minister of the Interior No 504-12 of 2012 on the card of residence

Order of the Minister of the Interior No. 505-12 of 2012 concerning the documents required by provisions of Article 17 of Law No. 02-03 on the entry and residence of foreigners in Kingdom of Morocco, to emigration and irregular immigration

Decree No. 2-09-607 of 2010 issued for the application of Law No. 02-03 on the entry and residence of foreigners in the Kingdom of Morocco, irregular emigration and immigration

Order of the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training No. 350-05 of 2005 setting the model of the contract of employment reserved for foreigners

Decree No. 2-91-98 of 1993 on the powers and organization of the Ministry of Affairs of the Moroccan community residing abroad

Decree No. 2.89.460 of 1990 issued under Act  No. 19-89 establishing the Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans residing abroad
Hassan II foundation Webpage


Migration and Labor

Decree No. 1-03-194 of 2003 promulgating Law 65-99 relative to the labor code




Smuggling and Trafficking

Law No. 27-14 of 2016 on combating trafficking in human beings

Law No. 148-12 of 2014 approving the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse done in Lanzarote on 25 October 2007

Decree No. 1-03-207 of  2003 promulgating Law No. 24-03 amending and supplementing the Penal Code


Right and Entitlements of Foreign Nationals   

 Article 30 of the 2011 Moroccan Constitution indicate that foreigners enjoy the same fundamental rights as Moroccan citizens

Articles 17, 29 and 38 of Decree No. 1-03-196 of 2003 adopting law No. 02-03  address refugees’ right to stay, request for asylum following a refusal of permission to enter the country and protection against expulsion.




  Statistics and Figures:   

This section provides links to regularly updated sites that provide statistics on migrants and refugees in different countries around the world.

Below are links to various databases that provide statistics and figures relevant to the movement of people in and out of Morocco:  

The World Bank 

UNFPA Migration Indicator 

UNHCR Statistics Database

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre


This section includes a comprehensive list of sources and links to journal articles, books, webpages, etc. for each country in the database that address migration and refugee topics within the context of education, health, legal, psychosocial, political, among others. Each listed source includes a brief description of the material and a link.


Link to Researchers

 D Haas, Hein, and Tineke Fokkema. "Intra-Household Conflicts in Migration Decisionmaking: Return and Pendulum Migration in Morocco." Population and Development Review 36.3 (2010): 5411-561. (Summary adapted from resource) Link to Article

Keyword: household, conflicts, migration, decision-making, return, Morocco

Through an analysis of the migration behavior and transnational residential strategies of the first generation, aging migrants from Morocco, this research contributes to a conceptual critique of migration theories that identify the household as the most relevant decision making unit highlighting the role of intra-household power inequalities and conflicts in migration decision making and the effects of these decision on household relations. 

El Arbi, Mrabet. "Readmission Agreements (the case of Morocco)." European Journal of Migration & Law 5.3 (2003): 379-85. Link to Article

Keyword: readmission, agreement, Morocco  

This brief piece discusses the agreements between Morocco and Europe regarding the readmission of Moroccans who have irregularly migrated to Europe. The discussion includes advantages of the agreement to Morocco, practices and human rights consequences of the readmission and the development of camps at the frontiers. 

Geddes, Andrew. "Governing Migration from a Distance: Interactions Between Climate, Migration and Security in the South Mediterranean." European Security 24.3(2015): 473-490. Link to Article

keyword: climate change, environment, security, South Mediterranean 

The Article asses the link between the environment, and the security and migration nexus by assessing the EU's external governance policies in the “South Mediterranean Partner Countries” (SMPCs): Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia. The author argues that, given the data, migration triggered by climate changes interacts with social, economic and political drivers of migration. He further finds that implications of such movements exposes migrants to further risks and more displacement. 

Haas, Hein. "Migration, Remittances and Regional Development in Southern Morocco." Geoforum 37.4 (2006): 565-580. (Summary adapted from resource) Link to Article

Keyword: migration, remittances, development, economic, Southern Morocco, Moroccan Togha oasis

This study examines the link between migration and economic development through a qualitative research and a survey among 507 non-migrant, internal and international  migrant households in the Moroccan Togha oasis. The study shows that international migration and remittances have large contributions to economic development, improved standards of living and enable the partial emancipation of subaltern ethnic groups. 

Keygnaert, Ines, Abdessamad Dialmy, Altay Manco, Jeroen Keygnaert, Nicole Vettenburg, Kristien Roelens and Marleen Temmerman. "Sexual Violence and Sub-Saharan Migrants in Morocco: A Community-Based Participatory Assessment using Respondent Driven Sampling." Globalization and Health 10 (2014): 32. Link to Article

Keyword: sexual, violence, Sub-Saharan, migrants, Morocco, community-based participatory assessment

This research examines the violence experienced by Sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco applying community-based participatory research model. The research finds that 90% of participants have experienced violence, about half was sexual violence. The authors further explore the determinants perceived by the community as factors causing this violence, which is mainly their immigration status. 

Natter, Katharina. "Fifty Years of Maghreb Emigration: How States Shaped Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian Emigration." International Migration Institute (2014). Link to Article

Keyword: Maghreb, Emigration, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia 

This paper traces the emigration pattern of Algerians, Tunisians and Moroccans to Europe since the 1960s, focusing on three distinct phases in which Maghreb converge and diverge. These phases are: post-independence when emigration boomed; mid 1970s-1990s when Algerian emigration leveled off while emigration from Tunisia and morocco remained high; and the 1990s when Moroccan emigration increased exponentially while Tunisian and Algerian emigration grew moderately. The paper focuses on internal and external factors that implicated these emigration patterns.

White, Gregory W. "Sovereignty and International Labor Migration: The 'Security Mentality' in Spanish-Moroccan Relations as an Assertion of Sovereignty." Review of International Political Economy 14.4 (2007): 690. Link to Article

Keyword: sovereignty, international, labor, migration, security, Spanish, Moroccan, relations

The author is concerned with the security debate as symbolic politics that is associated with drawing on security to enhance sovereignty claims and justify border control. He examines the case of the Moroccan-Spanish 'migration system' to illustrate that Franco Spain has used migration politics to assert sovereignty claims visa-a-vis Morocco, which furthered Spains' sense of societal security and affirmed its status as a full member of the European space. 

Wundrlich, Daniel. "Differentiation and Policy Convergence Against Long Odds: Lessons from Implementing EU Migration Policy in Morocco." Mediterranean Politics 15.2 (2010): 249-72. (Summary adapted from resource) Link to Article

Keyword: EU migration policy, Morocco

This article provides an analysis of the EU-Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries (SEMC) policy convergence to qualify EU's cooperation with SEMC. The author argues that the EU's inability to achieve undifferentiated policy transfer is, affected by influence of bilateral relations of individual member and non-member states on the EU agenda and EU relations with SMEC; intra-EU coordination problem; and EU dependence on actors in SMEC to implement its policy goals which allows SMEC to exert considerable influence on EU policy. The results of these are geographical, sectoral and normative differentiation processes. The author concludes that the EU cooperation of migration policy in SEMC sits between the model of differentiated integration and a` la carte cooperation but in an unintended form than the one envisaged by policy objectives manufactured in Brussels. 

Collyer, Michael. "In-between Places: Trans-Saharan Transit Migrants in Morocco and the Fragmented Journey to Europe." Antipode 39.4 (2007): 668-90. Link to Article

Keyword: Morocco, Europe, migrant, transit, stories, irregular, irregularity 

Based on research with irregular migrants in Morocco, this research investigates the conflict between the social organization of Sahara transit migrants and the growing spatial logic of control. The paper draws on stories of transit migrants arguing that these stories have much to teach about the ways in which migration is understood. Through these stories, the authors observes that, transit spaces are extremely fluid and individual migration strategies indicate how these spatial-transit spaces are being negotiated and reconfigured. 

Freedman, Jane. "Analysing the Gendered Insecurities of Migration." International Feminist Journal of Politics 14.1 (2012): 36-55. Link to Article

Keyword: gender, insecurity, migration, security, transit, Morocco, women

This article examines the experience of women migrants from Sub-Saharan African to Europe, transiting through Morocco. The author argues that the EU immigration policies and that of the neighboring countries have increased insecurities for individuals migrating to Europe, and that these insecurities are gendered.

Goldschmidt, Elie. "Storming the Fences: Morocco and Europe's Anti-Migration Policy." Middle East Report 239 (2006): 36. Link to Article

Keyword: Morocco, Europe, EU, Meghrab 

This paper offers a critique of the EU secritization and restrictive immigration policies by examining the implications of these policies on Sub-Saharan migrants transiting through Africa. 

Stock, Inka. "Gender and the Dynamics of Mobility: Reflections on African Migrant Mothers and 'Transit Migration' in Morocco." Ethnic and Racial Studies 35.9 (2012): 1577-1595. (Summary adapted from resource) Link to Article

Keyword: women, gender, mobility, African, Africa, migrants, mothers, transit

Through an extensive description of everyday lives of African migrant mothers and their children in Morocco, the author underscores the notion that migration and 'immobility' in transit countries are gendered. Based on migrant stories and experience, the author illustrates that by transiting to motherhood, specific and gendered spaces for agency and particular and gendered constrains upon agency are created that shape women's migrants mobility dynamic in time and space. 


Berkeley, Bill. "Stateless People, Violent States." World Policy Journal 26.1 (2009): 3-15. Link to Webpage

Keyword: nationality, laws, mothers, fathers, citizenship

  The journal gives an overview of the history, legal, and current situation of statelessness. As a way of reducing statelessness in Morocco, as well as Egypt and

Algeria, national laws have been changed so that children can receive citizenship through their mother.