Funlozia's Dune Raider Befriends the Egyptian Desert Sands
Iman Seoudi:
Mirette Shoeir:
Arts, Entertainment, and Sports
June 2016
Dune Raider was founded by Karim Hossam in 2008 as the first company to introduce sand boarding in Egypt. As the weekly sand boarding events gained more fans, Karim teamed up with his two partners, Mohamed Fadly and Mohamed Elwan to establish Funlozia in 2012, the mother company that would house the now popular Dune Raider sand boarding brand in addition to two other lines that the company offers. Besides sand boarding trips, Funlozia houses the Camponita brand, which organizes camps and adventure trips both inside and outside of Egypt. Funlozia also houses a corporate service line, Go Camp, which offers team building and interpersonal skills events for companies, with accounts such as P&G, Aramex and CIB. The case study focuses on the growing pains and spectacular success of young Funlozia. The case highlights the challenges an entrepreneurial startup faces as it transitions from the start-up stage and starts to negotiate the company building and growth stage. In addition, this young company already has three branded services each targeted to a different customer segment. With limited financial and human resources, the management team is challenged to set an effective strategy for each of the three service lines and create brand recognition and a presence in each segment. The case displays a rich array of strategic management, strategic marketing, entrepreneurship and organizational issues.
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