Subject Areas Multi-Disciplinary, 
Access Restrictions
Full Text Yes
Date Coverage
Dercription UNESCO's World Digital Library (WDL) is a free Internet resource for those interested in searching for primary sources from around the world. As indicated by the site, there are examples of “manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, and architectural drawings”. Part of the impetus for this project was founded in the inability of developing countries to adequately digitize and preserve their cultural history. The Library of Congress worked with several countries in forming this database by setting up digitization centers in Brazil, Egypt, Iraq, and Russia. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the National Library of Brazil, the National Library and Archives of Egypt, the National Library of Russia, and the Russian State Library partnered with UNESCO and the Library of Congress to provide content. When the WDL first became freely accessible in April of 2009 over two dozen institutions had submitted their content to the final project. The WDL is searchable in seven languages including Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Provider Name UNESCO
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Software Requirements